MUA Veterans Report

Published: 8 Feb 2017

National secretary Fred Krausert,


I congratulate you all on a wonderful M.U.A Conference on the Gold Coast early this year, for the unity and power at that conference, it showed our past our present and a course set for the future even under the extreme difficult course we are on, workers and retirees are on the same vessel that is navigating through extreme difficult time.



We can be proud of the M.U.A. Veterans as every branch participated in the federal election beyond their call, as with all the other vital issues that confront the union and the retirees as well,  we support our comrades in other unions and organizations, most branches are involved with the ACTU  RUN hook ups as well as the  two major retired organizations CPSA and FGFP we are addressing the position of having discussions with COTA we understand that to have an input into the government decisions regarding the aged we must be involved with the major retired organizations understanding that the people are tired of the politics of this country we hear it on the talk back shows and every second person express the negativities of both side  of politics, which at times look more like once sided politics ,with garbage like One Nation burrowing its way into the parliament, this is no prize for the people of Australia only more leverage for the Ultra -Right of politics, the course of division is never a winner.



Our A.G.M. was the best so far with going over the time allowed we addressed International Speakers, addressing our Resolutions, Branch Reports, attacks from the TPP, Pharmaceutical attack on the aged, Trade, Manufacture, Shipping and its effect, National Secretary Paddy Crumblin report, lots of work went into the AGM Conference we thank Michel Summers and the staff for all their help and support.

Our course is set for the next four years and beyond, understanding there will be many challenges ahead for the retired community.

With Age, illness and hardships facing some older people in our communities the challenges facing us daily with media driving negative attitudes instead of highlighting the good work being done by the Silent Marjory with each day addressing and giving their contribution to our country, they are the real heroes of our society, and the AGED contribute a large slice of that voluntary work, as well as roles of careers in their own and others families



Comrades there are major concern facing us at this present time nationally Internationally, and with each state having their own concerns in terms of their state government policies.

The first and most important is PEACE IS UNION BUSINESS and peace at this time is so vulnerable, extremely vulnerable with the uncertainty of world politics, and the hysteria thrown at the population daily, with China/ U.S threat of a war the building up of U.S. troops in the Eastern bloc around Russia, the Middle East conflicts which were created on a LIE.  And 12years latter people are still getting killed on that lie, with mass killing and destabilizing in Africa and with all of this is the Pain of hunger, our Children dying along with all of the horrible instabilities that may never mend.

Join the struggle for World Peace and a world without war


Authorised by P Crumlin, Maritime Union of Australia, Sydney